A first for TREX and Shurtape UK as a NEW Radio ad airs!
October 13, 2016 1:10 pmWe are proud to announce the exciting news that TREX will appear on national radio in the shape of TALK SPORT from Monday 17th October.
This is a first for TREX Tape and Shurtape
Managing Director, Colin Gadd says – ” we know that our valued customers listen to this award winning radio station all day long and 7 days week – so it was an easy decision to work with Talk Sport.
TREX tape is also great for the outdoor and sports enthusiast so again this is the best place for us to communicate our TREX message.”
The ad will air until the end of October taking advantage of this busy time of year when jobs need to be done around the home and garden as households prepare for winter
Please click on the link below to enjoy
Categorised in: TREX
This post was written by Lee Howes